CALL: (570) 405-8710

Providing criminal defense for clients in Luzerne and Lackawanna Counties (Wilkes-Barre and Scranton) and all other surrounding areas.
You don't have to face a prosecutor alone...
The criminal court process can be scary. Don’t stand in court alone. The Law Office of Matthew Kelly and Associates can provide you with the representation you need in any criminal proceeding. Whether it’s a summary violation, misdemeanor, or a felony, Attorney Kelly will protect your rights. As a former Probation Officer and Conflict Counsel Attorney for Luzerne County, Attorney Kelly has the knowledge and experience to protect your rights.
What can a good criminal defense attorney do for you? You may be entitled to having incriminating evidence thrown out of your case. You may need someone to persuade a jury. Even if you plan on pleading guilty, you need someone to negotiate the best plea deal to which you’re entitled.
Make sure you contact the Offices of Matthew Kelly & Associates first to arrange a meeting and help you through this process. Call us today at 570-405-8710 to arrange a meeting to discuss your case.
Child Custody
Child Custody
Wills & Estates
Wills & Estates
Social Security
Social Security
Worker's Comp
Workers Comp
Divorce Help
Divorce Help

Juvenile Offenses
Minors often think and act as if nothing bad can happen to them. Underage drinking, vandalism and shoplifting may sound like kid stuff, but these are serious crimes. Offenses like this can lead to fines and even incarceration, especially if a weapon or violence is involved. As your lawyer, our job is to help make sure a youthful indiscretion doesn’t ruin the rest of a young person’s life.
To start, we’ll do everything possible to ensure that a juvenile offense is heard in a Juvenile Court, and that your child is not tried as an adult. Our experience with these types of cases can ease the process so there’s a better chance of making that indiscretion a life lesson instead of a life changer.
DUI - Driving Under the Influence
Caught driving “buzzed”? If your initial thought is that it’s no big deal, think again. A DUI arrest is a very serious thing. If you’re convicted, you could pay fines, have your driver’s license suspended, and even see jail time. If this isn’t your first conviction, then you will most probably go to jail and lose your license.
The laws in Pennsylvania are quite strict, complicated, and evolving. You need an attorney that knows the present state of the law, and who can explain your available options. The state will want justice. You’ll want your freedom. We can help.
Drug Crimes
Convicting individuals on drug charges makes the District Attorney’s office look good. In fact, careers are built on winning cases like these. Prosecutors take these cases very seriously and so should you.
If you’re a first-time offender or if the crime is relatively minor, a deal may be offered to save the taxpayers the expense of a trial. More complicated situations require careful handling by experienced lawyers like the ones in our firm.
Other Misdemeanors and Felonies
At The Law Offices of Matthew Kelly Associates, our experienced lawyers can assist you with Probation Issues, Parole Violations, Summary Offenses, Traffic Violations, Legal Appeals and a variety of other misdemeanors and felonies. Call us anytime for a free legal consultation.
We take pride in helping the people of Wilkes-Barre and Scranton receive the benefits that are rightfully theirs.